June 13, 2024

What Is A Shared Equity Mortgage In Canada?

What Is A Shared Equity Mortgage In Canada?

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Manzeel Patel

Manzeel Patel

Mortgage Broker, LIC M11002628, Level #2

Manzeel is an award-winning Mortgage Broker and the Owner of the Toronto-based mortgage, Everything Mortgages. With 16 years of experience in the Canadian mortgage industry and a formal background in mortgage underwriting, Manzeel’s lending expertise gives him unique insight into whether a deal is feasible which empowers his clients to make more informed lending decisions faster. He has been recognized as one of Canada’s Top 10 Mortgage Brokers by the national Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP) Association. Him and his team of 18 mortgage agents are proud to offer a mortgage experience that's built on honesty, trust, and integrity. He prides himself on the brokerage’s dedication to deliver an excellent client experience throughout the entire home loan process from pre-approval to post-funding. Since moving to Toronto in 1998, Manzeel has successfully launched and scaled several businesses from the ground up, ranging from a mortgage brokerage and a vast real estate investment portfolio to a private financing eCommerce platform. He continues to be a leader in the real estate industry as he uses his analytical expertise to seek new real estate investment opportunities. As a tech junkie and avid sports enthusiast, when Manzeel’s not working with clients, you can find him  reading technology blogs, playing squash or watching tennis with his two boys.

307-18 Wynford Drive,
North York ON, M3C 3S2


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Shared equity mortgages are an innovative way to make homeownership more accessible, especially for those who may not have enough savings for a full down payment. In Canada, shared equity mortgages are gaining popularity as a viable option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to re-enter the housing market. This guide will explore everything you need to know about shared equity mortgages in Canada, with a special focus on Ourboro, a trusted source for shared ownership.

What is a Shared Equity Mortgage?

shared equity mortgage allows individuals to co-own a property with an investor, reducing the financial burden of buying a home. Unlike traditional mortgages, where the homeowner is solely responsible for the loan, a shared equity mortgage involves an equity partner who shares in the property’s future value.

How It Differs from Traditional Mortgages

  • Shared Risk: Both the homeowner and the investor share in the financial risks and rewards.
  • Lower Down Payment: Reduced initial costs make it easier to enter the housing market.
  • No Additional Debt: The investor’s contribution is not a loan, so there are no interest payments or extra debt.

How Does a Shared Equity Mortgage Work?

Overview of the Shared Equity Model

The shared equity model involves both the homeowner and the investor contributing to the down payment. The percentage of the down payment each party contributes translates into their equity stake in the home. When the property is sold, the proceeds are divided according to this equity split.

Step-by-Step Process

Lock In a ContributionSubmit an application and determine the down payment contribution.
Co-Buy Your HomePartner with a mortgage broker and real estate agent to find and purchase a home.
Grow TogetherReceive ongoing support and share in the home’s appreciation or depreciation.

Detailed Process Breakdown

  1. Lock In a Contribution: Start by submitting an application to a shared equity mortgage provider like Ourboro. During this stage, you’ll work closely with their team to determine how much they can contribute towards your down payment. This contribution is locked in for a set period, usually 90 days, giving you time to find a suitable property.
  2. Co-Buy Your Home: Once the contribution is locked in, you’ll be connected with a licensed mortgage broker and a top real estate agent. These professionals will assist you in finding a home that meets your needs and fits within the shared equity model. You’ll also have access to custom-built property search tools designed to help you analyze and filter listings.
  3. Grow Together: After purchasing the home, you’ll move in and begin your journey as a homeowner. The shared equity mortgage provider, like Ourboro, will continue to offer support to help you maintain and increase the value of your property. This support may include home maintenance tips, market updates, and access to a community of professionals and other homeowners.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a shared equity mortgage, you need to meet specific criteria:

  • Geographic Requirements: You must be looking for a home in specific regions where shared equity programs are available.
  • Financial Prerequisites: You need to qualify for a mortgage and have a certain percentage of the down payment saved.
  • Other Qualifying Factors: This should be your first home, or you should be using co-ownership as a stepping stone to full ownership.

Detailed Eligibility Breakdown

  1. Geographic Requirements: Shared equity mortgages are typically available in specific regions, such as major urban centers or designated investment areas. In Canada, this often includes cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and other high-demand housing markets.
  2. Financial Prerequisites: To qualify for a shared equity mortgage, you need to demonstrate that you can afford the monthly mortgage payments. This usually involves providing proof of income, employment history, and a credit check. Additionally, you must have a certain percentage of the down payment saved, typically at least 5%.
  3. Other Qualifying Factors: Shared equity mortgages are often targeted at first-time homebuyers or those looking to re-enter the housing market. This means that you should not currently own another property, and you should be using the shared equity model as a way to transition to full homeownership in the future.

Pros and Cons of Shared Equity Mortgages

Benefits of Shared Equity Mortgages

  • Lower Initial Costs: Reduced down payment requirements make it easier to enter the housing market.
  • Shared Risks: Both parties share in the financial risks, reducing the burden on the homeowner.
  • Access to Better Properties: Potential to afford higher-value homes that might otherwise be out of reach.

Potential Drawbacks and Challenges

  • Shared Decision-Making: Requires consensus on significant decisions, which can be complex.
  • Potential Complications in Selling: Dividing proceeds and handling depreciation can be challenging.

In-Depth Analysis


  1. Lower Initial Costs: One of the most significant advantages of shared equity mortgages is the reduced initial costs. By partnering with an investor, you can lower your down payment requirements, making it easier to afford a home. This is particularly beneficial in high-cost housing markets where saving for a substantial down payment can be challenging.
  2. Shared Risks: Shared equity mortgages distribute the financial risks between the homeowner and the investor. This means that if the property’s value decreases, both parties share the loss. Conversely, if the property’s value increases, both parties share in the appreciation. This shared risk model can provide a sense of financial security for homeowners.
  3. Access to Better Properties: With the financial support of an investor, you may be able to afford a higher-value home than you could on your own. This can provide access to better neighborhoods, larger properties, or homes with more amenities.


  1. Shared Decision-Making: One of the challenges of shared equity mortgages is the need for shared decision-making. Significant decisions, such as selling the property or making substantial renovations, require consensus between the homeowner and the investor. This can sometimes lead to conflicts or delays.
  2. Potential Complications in Selling: When it’s time to sell the property, dividing the proceeds according to the equity split can be complex. Additionally, if the property’s value has decreased, both parties will share in the loss, which can be financially challenging.

The Role of Investors in Shared Equity Mortgages

How Investors Participate

Investors contribute to the down payment and share in the future appreciation or depreciation of the property. Their goal is to earn a return on their investment when the property is sold.

Equity Split and Future Appreciation

The equity split is based on the percentage of the down payment each party contributes. For example, if you contribute 40% of the down payment and the investor contributes 60%, the equity split will be 40:60.

Example Scenarios

PartyContributionPercentage of Down PaymentEquity Stake in Home

Detailed Example Scenario

Let’s say you co-buy a $1,000,000 home. Your mortgage would be $800,000 (80% of the home’s value). If you contribute $80,000 (8% of the home value) and the investor contributes $120,000 (12%), together you have a $200,000 (20%) down payment.

Fast forward a few years, and the home sells for $1,500,000. After paying off the mortgage and any closing costs, the remaining proceeds are divided according to the equity split.

Equity Distribution Example

Selling Price$1,500,000
Mortgage Balance Paid Off$700,000
Remaining Proceeds$800,000
Your Share (40%)$320,000
Investor’s Share (60%)$480,000

Shared Equity Mortgages in Canada

Overview of the Canadian Housing Market

The Canadian housing market is known for its high property prices, especially in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Shared equity mortgages provide a way for more people to enter this competitive market.

Government Programs and Initiatives

The Canadian government has introduced several programs to support shared equity mortgages, such as the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive, which aims to make homeownership more affordable.

Regional Variations and Considerations

Different regions in Canada may have varying eligibility criteria and support programs for shared equity mortgages. It’s essential to understand the specific requirements and opportunities in your area.

Detailed Regional Analysis

  1. Toronto: As one of Canada’s most expensive housing markets, Toronto offers several shared equity mortgage programs to help first-time homebuyers. The city’s high property prices make shared equity mortgages an attractive option for those looking to enter the market.
  2. Vancouver: Similar to Toronto, Vancouver’s housing market is known for its high prices. Shared equity mortgage programs in Vancouver aim to provide financial support to first-time homebuyers and those with limited savings for a down payment.
  3. Other Regions: While Toronto and Vancouver are the most prominent examples, other regions in Canada also offer shared equity mortgage programs. These programs may vary in terms of eligibility criteria, support services, and geographic focus.

Ourboro: A Trusted Source for Shared Ownership

Introduction to Ourboro and Its Unique Approach

Ourboro offers a unique shared ownership model that helps potential homeowners achieve their dreams without taking on additional debt. They invest in the future value of your home, sharing in the appreciation or depreciation.

How Ourboro Supports Homeowners

  • No Interest or Additional Debt: Ourboro’s contribution is not a loan, so there are no interest payments or extra debt.
  • Real Estate Expertise and Support: Ourboro provides exceptional real estate expertise to help you find and maintain a valuable property.
  • Shared Risk and Reward: Both parties share in the home’s appreciation or depreciation, aligning their interests.

Real-Life Case Studies and Success Stories

Case Study: Ricardo & Patricia Ricardo and Patricia co-bought a home valued at $900,000. They contributed $45,000 (5%) and Ourboro contributed $135,000 (15%), making a total down payment of $180,000 (20%). After five years, the home appreciated to $1,200,000.

PartyContributionPercentage of Down PaymentEquity Stake in Home
Ricardo & Patricia$45,00025%25%

Upon selling, after paying off the mortgage, the remaining proceeds were $600,000. Ricardo and Patricia received $150,000 (25%), and Ourboro received $450,000 (75%).

Additional Case Study: Kyle & Marina

Kyle and Marina co-bought a home valued at $800,000. They contributed $40,000 (5%) and Ourboro contributed $120,000 (15%), making a total down payment of $160,000 (20%). After seven years, the home appreciated to $1,100,000.

PartyContributionPercentage of Down PaymentEquity Stake in Home
Kyle & Marina$40,00025%25%

Upon selling, after paying off the mortgage, the remaining proceeds were $500,000. Kyle and Marina received $125,000 (25%), and Ourboro received $375,000 (75%).

The Homebuying Journey with a Shared Equity Mortgage

Locking In a Contribution

Start by submitting your application. If it’s a good fit, the investor will lock in their maximum down payment contribution for a set period, typically 90 days. This gives you time to find a suitable property that meets both your needs and the investor’s criteria.

Finding and Purchasing a Home

You’ll be paired with a partner real estate agent and have access to custom-built property search tools to find the perfect home. These tools help analyze and filter listings, showing you homes that meet your needs and are likely to grow in value over time. The real estate agent will guide you through the entire homebuying process, from viewing properties to making offers and closing the deal.

Living in the Home and Maintaining Value

Once you move in, the investor may offer programs and services to help preserve and increase your home’s value. These services may include:

  • Home Maintenance Tips: Regular advice on how to maintain and enhance your property’s value.
  • Market Updates: Information on market trends to help you make informed decisions about your investment.
  • Community Support: Access to a network of professionals and other homeowners for advice and support.

Example Maintenance Tips

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your home to identify and address any maintenance issues early.
  2. Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Consider making energy-efficient upgrades, such as installing new windows or upgrading insulation, to increase your home’s value and reduce utility costs.
  3. Landscaping: Maintain your yard and landscaping to enhance curb appeal and increase property value.

Selling Your Home with a Shared Equity Mortgage

When you’re ready to sell, the process involves several key steps:

  1. Paying Off the Mortgage: The bank is paid back first, ensuring that any outstanding mortgage balance is cleared.
  2. Equity Distribution: The remaining proceeds are divided according to the equity split agreed upon at the time of purchase.
  3. Handling Potential Losses: If the home depreciates, both parties share in the loss, ensuring that the financial burden is not solely on the homeowner.

Detailed Selling Process

  1. Listing the Property: Work with a real estate agent to list your property on the market. The agent will help you set a competitive price, market the home, and attract potential buyers.
  2. Negotiating Offers: Review and negotiate offers with the help of your real estate agent. Ensure that the offers align with your financial goals and the terms of the shared equity agreement.
  3. Closing the Sale: Once an offer is accepted, work with your real estate agent and legal professionals to close the sale. This includes finalizing the paperwork, transferring ownership, and distributing the proceeds according to the equity split.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you co-buy a $1,000,000 home. Your mortgage would be $800,000 (80% of the home’s value). If you contribute $80,000 (8% of the home value) and the investor contributes $120,000 (12%), together you have a $200,000 (20%) down payment.

Fast forward a few years, and the home sells for $1,500,000. After paying off the mortgage and any closing costs, the remaining proceeds are divided according to the equity split.

Equity Distribution Example

Selling Price$1,500,000
Mortgage Balance Paid Off$700,000
Remaining Proceeds$800,000
Your Share (40%)$320,000
Investor’s Share (60%)$480,000

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if the home value decreases?

Both parties share in the loss, aligning their interests and ensuring that both parties are equally invested in the property’s success. This shared risk model provides a sense of financial security for homeowners.

Can I buy out the investor’s share?

Yes, you can buy out the investor’s share under specific conditions. This can be a great option if your financial situation improves and you want full ownership of the property. The terms and conditions for buying out the investor’s share will be outlined in the shared equity agreement.

What are the closing costs?

Closing costs are the responsibility of the co-owner, but some investors may offer a selling bonus to help cover these expenses. This ensures that you are not burdened by unexpected costs when selling your home. Closing costs typically include legal fees, real estate agent commissions, and other administrative expenses.

How does the investor’s support benefit me?

The investor’s real estate expertise and ongoing support help you make informed decisions, maintain your property’s value, and navigate the complexities of homeownership. This support can be invaluable, especially for first-time homebuyers who may be unfamiliar with the homebuying process.

Are there any restrictions on the type of property I can buy?

Shared equity mortgage programs may have specific criteria regarding the type of property you can purchase. These criteria are designed to ensure that the property is a sound investment for both the homeowner and the investor. Common restrictions may include:

  • Property Type: Some programs may only allow single-family homes, townhouses, or condos.
  • Location: The property must be located in a designated investment area or region.
  • Condition: The property should be in good condition and meet certain safety and habitability standards.


Shared equity mortgages offer a new way to buy and own your home through a model that aligns the interests of both the homeowner and the investor. With no additional debt and expert support, shared equity mortgages make homeownership more accessible. If you’re looking to break into the housing market, consider a shared equity mortgage and partner with a trusted source like Ourboro.

By leveraging the shared equity model, you can achieve your dream of homeownership sooner, with the added benefit of professional support and shared financial risk. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to re-enter the market, shared equity mortgages provide a viable and innovative solution.

For more information and to get started on your journey to homeownership, visit Ourboro’s website and submit your application today. Your dream home is just a few steps away!

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a financial advisor or mortgage professional before making decisions about your mortgage.


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